Vanity Fair在英汉对比中的六种分析方法
Ⅰ. 第一种物称与人称之间的关系,具体如下:
A.\"You don't know anything about business, my dear,\" answered the sire, 父亲摇头摆脑的答道:“亲爱的,正经事你是不懂的。”在这个例子中用the sire 代表父亲因为sire的原意是male parent of an animal。
B.Not that Emmy, being made aware of the honest Major's passion, rebuffed him in any way, or felt displeased with him.
爱米知道忠厚的少佐热烈的爱她,可是并不嫌他,也不对他表示冷淡。Passion的本意是strong feeling, eg of hate, love, or anger;作者用它来代指少佐的热爱。 C.The Major's visit left old John Sedley in a great state of agitation and excitement. 少佐来过之后,约翰·赛特笠老头儿兴奋得不得了。
Ⅱ. 第二种静态与动态之间的变化,具体如下:
A. 使用连动词来体现动态与静态的变化,
And his eyes filled with tears, which trickled down his furrowed old face. Amelia wiped them away, and smilingly kissed him, and tied the old man's neckcloth in a smart bow, and put his brooch into his best shirt frill,
说着,他满眼是泪,沿着打皱的腮帮子流下来。爱米丽亚替他擦眼泪,微笑着吻他,给他打了一个漂亮的领结,还在他最好的衬衫上别上别针。 B. 用男主人翁与他的仆人之间的对比尤其是这两个人物在本句的体现
At length, he drove leisurely to London on the third day and in the new waistcoat, the native, with chattering teeth, shuddering in a shawl on the box by the side of the new European servant;
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06级英语专业二班 邱嵩松 2006422010231
到第三天,他穿了新背心很悠闲的坐了马车到伦敦来。他的印度佣人裹着一条披肩,冷得牙齿格格的打战,挨着那个欧洲佣人坐在马夫座位上发抖;主人锦衣玉而仆人‘冷得牙齿格格的打战,挨着那个欧洲佣人坐在马夫座位上发抖’。 C.父女两人的体态对比
Emmy, in a great flutter, was in the passage among the hats and coats; and old Sedley in the parlour inside, shaking all over.
爱米心慌意乱,在过道里挂衣帽的地方等着;赛特笠老头儿在客室里浑身索索的抖。 D. Jos descended from the post− chaise and down the creaking swaying steps in awful state, supported by the new valet from Southampton and the shuddering native, whose brown face was now livid with cold and of the colour of a turkey's gizzard.
E. found Loll Jewab shaking upon the hall−bench under the coats, moaning in a strange piteous way, and showing his yellow eyeballs and white teeth.
Ⅲ. 第三种是形合与意合之间的对比,主要是用介词,连词等虚词来转换成动词等实词:
A. All these two penny documents arranged on a side table, old Sedley covered them carefully over with a clean bandanna handkerchief (one out of Major Dobbin's lot) and enjoined the maid and landlady of the house, in the most solemn way, not to disturb those papers, which were arranged for the arrival of Mr.Joseph Sedley the next morning.
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B. …and sorting and arranging them against Jos's arrival. 把它们收拾整齐,准备乔斯回家的时候给他看。
C. To make these waistcoats for a man of his size and dignity took at least a day, 要替他这样气派、这样大小的人物做背心,最少得一整天。
Ⅳ. 第四种类型是双音节词与四字格的使用,具体例子与分析,如下:
A. Long brooding over those lost pleasures exaggerates their charm and sweetness. 过去的赏心乐事在长期的回忆当中更添了情趣,更令人向往。 B. −−until she would accept one of her own. 到她愿意自立门户的时候再说。
Ⅴ. 第五种类型是词语的重复和省略,具体如下:
Having partaken of a copious breakfast, with fish, and rice, and hard eggs, at Southampton,
Ⅵ. 第六种类型是表达方式,主要是直陈式的表达与委婉语的使用,具体如下:
A. Emmy had come out to the door in her black clothes and whispered to him of her mother's death. 爱米穿了黑衣服先迎出来,在门口悄悄的告诉他说母亲已经不在了。在英语的表达中一般都是直接说出具体的事件而汉语则比较含蓄。
B. Indeed, Joseph Sedley, affected by the humble position in which he found his relations,
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