2. 电动机安装前应检查电动机是否完整,有无因运输受损或受潮的现象,有无变形和损坏,紧固件是否松动或脱落。转子转动是否灵活,名牌数据是否符合要求。电机的绝缘电阻要用500兆欧表进行测量,绝缘电阻必须达到规定值,若绝缘电阻值太低,电动机必须进行烘干处理。 电动机安装场所的环境条件,必须符合电机的要求,对于粉尘较多,有喷水于电机的工作环境,应选用防护等级较高的电动机,一般起重用电机的防护等级为IP44,冶金用电机的防护等级为IP54。还要保证电动机的环境温度符合电机的要求,起重用电动机应不超过40?,冶金用电动机应不超过60?。安装基础要坚固、结实、有一定的刚度,安装平面要平整,应保证电机运行平稳。电动机可采用联轴器或正齿轮与负载机械联接。采用联轴器传动时,电动机轴中心线与负载机械的中心线应重合。若相差太大,电动机运行时产生强烈振动,会损坏设备。电动机采用齿轮传动时,齿轮直径应不小于电机轴伸直径的2倍。
industrial electronics. (3) auto configuration, theory, maintenance, structure and principle of Automotive electrical equipment, maintenance, car electric control system of structure, principle and repair of professional knowledge. (4) the structure and working principle of auto
test and diagnostic equipment, control of automobile comprehensive performance evaluation parameters and influencing factors. (5) the master the theory of rational use of the car and running material, business management, basic theoretical knowledge of marketing and after-sales service protection of cables can be up to, while also providing a fire-proof, sealed, rugged space can safely extend cable to the destination. Channel selection algorithm and subsystem level design algorithm. As with vertical bridge, horizontal bridges must also retain a certain amount of space allowances to ensure that future expansion of the system without the need to install a new line. Sixth section 2.6.1 PDS cabling system design, and building design of the comprehensive wiring system according to the requirements, new Dunan valve plant main building, workshop structure, data, voice in the future; in the uniform distribution. Main connection (MDF) located on the production floor of the second floor Center room (network equipment), by telephone calls outside the telephone Office is responsible for introducing the main wiring in the building, switching locations are also located
测量绕组对机壳及绕组之间的绝缘电阻,是最简便而且对绝 缘无破坏作用的绝缘试验项目,它可判断绕组绝缘是否严重受潮 或损坏。
通常只在电动机运转前,分别测量定予、’转子绕组在冷状态 下的对地及相间绝缘电阻。并检查电动机在热状态下的绝缘电 阻,也就是在电动机断电10分钟以内测量其绝缘电阻,也可在温 升试验后绕组温度与正常工作温度之差不超过IO'C时测量。
绕组对地及绕组之间绝缘电阻用兆欧表测量。测量不同电压 下电动机的绝缘电阻所用的兆欧表,如表6-4所示。
电动机的额定电压 兆欧表的规范 500V 以下 500V 500--300V 1000V 3000V 以上 2500V
测量绝缘电阻前,须拆除试验电动机的外部连接线:,然后按 图6-la接线,测量各相绕组的对地绝缘,电恩,根据圈6-lb测量 相间绝缘电阻。测量中,如果非被测绕组处于悬浮电位(图6--1中
industrial electronics. (3) auto configuration, theory, maintenance, structure and principle of Automotive electrical equipment, maintenance, car electric control system of structure, principle and repair of professional knowledge. (4) the structure and working principle of auto test and diagnostic equipment, control of automobile comprehensive performance evaluation parameters and influencing factors. (5) the master the theory of rational use of the car and running material, business management, basic theoretical knowledge of marketing and after-sales service protection of cables can be up to, while also providing a fire-proof, sealed, rugged space can safely extend cable to the destination. Channel selection algorithm and subsystem level design algorithm. As with vertical bridge, horizontal bridges must also retain a certain amount of space allowances to ensure that future expansion of the system without the need to install a new line. Sixth section 2.6.1 PDS cabling system design, and building design of the comprehensive
wiring system according to the requirements, new Dunan valve plant main building, workshop structure, data, voice in the future; in the uniform distribution. Main connection (MDF) located on the production floor of the second floor Center room (network equipment), by telephone calls outside the telephone Office is responsible for introducing the main wiring in the building, switching locations are also located
的虚线不接)或全部接地,则由于各个漏电回路相互连接,绝缘 电阻测定值会偏低。因此在需要分析某相绕组绝缘电阻值偏低的 原因时,宜将非被测绕组接到兆欧表“保护”“端子。测量具有举 刷装置异步电动机转子的绝缘电阻时,电刷应放在与集电环接触 的位置。兆欧表的接线要绝缘良好,两根接线不能绞合,接线本 身的绝缘电阻值应超过兆欧表有效刻度指示的上限。 私线路端 子”引线不要贴近试验电动机机壳或地面,以免绝缘电阻测定值 偏低。流比计式兆欧表的刻度近似对数关系,接近量程下限处刻 度较密,读数时须注意刻度不均匀的特点。表6-1
在测量过程中,流过绝缘的泄漏电流始终不变,但绝缘中的 充电电流和吸收电流,却随时间的延续而衰减,因而绝缘电阻不 断增大,开始异常迅速,而后渐趋稳定,一般中小型电动机在30 秒钟后可达最终值。但是干燥而良好的绝缘,尤其分布电容较大 的大型电动机、绝缘电阻达到稳定,往往需要数分钟。此时,通 常以外施电压一分钟时的绝缘电阻值为准。
industrial electronics. (3) auto configuration, theory, maintenance, structure and principle of Automotive electrical equipment, maintenance, car electric control system of structure, principle and repair of professional knowledge. (4) the structure and working principle of auto test and diagnostic equipment, control of automobile comprehensive
performance evaluation parameters and influencing factors. (5) the master the theory of rational use of the car and running material, business management, basic theoretical knowledge of marketing and after-sales service protection of cables can be up to, while also providing a fire-proof, sealed, rugged space can safely extend cable to the destination. Channel selection algorithm and subsystem level design algorithm. As with vertical bridge, horizontal bridges must also retain a certain amount of space allowances to ensure that future expansion of the system without the need to install a new line. Sixth section 2.6.1 PDS cabling system design, and building design of the comprehensive wiring system according to the requirements, new Dunan valve plant main building, workshop structure, data, voice in the future; in the uniform distribution. Main connection (MDF) located on the production floor of the second floor Center room (network equipment), by telephone calls outside the telephone Office is responsible for introducing the main wiring in the building, switching locations are also located
测量绝缘电阻时采用兆欧表的电压等级,当转子绕组额定电压为200V以上,采用2500V兆欧表;200V及以下,采用1000V兆欧表。 第2.0.7条 测量转子绕组的直流电阻,应符合下列规定: 一、应在冷状态下进行,测量时绕组表面温度与周围空气温度之差应在?3?的范围内。测量数值与产品出厂数值换算至同温度下的数值比较,其差值不应超过 2%; 二、显极式转子绕组,应对各磁极绕组进行测量;当误差超过规定时,还应对各磁极绕组间的连接点电阻进行测量。
一、 额定电压为1000V以下,常温下绝缘电阻值不应低于0.5MΩ;额定电压为1000V及
二、 第1.0.10条 测量绝缘电阻时,采用兆欧表的电压等级,在本标准未作特殊规定时,应按下列规定执行:
一、100V以下的电气设备或回路,采用250V兆欧表; 二、500V以下至100V的电气设备或回路,采用500V兆欧表; 三、3000V以下至500V的电气设备或回路,采用1000V兆欧表; 四、10000V以下至3000V的电气设备或回路,采用2500V兆欧表; 五、10000V及以上的电气设备或回路,采用2500V或5000V兆欧表。 测量电动机的绝缘电阻,就是测量电动机绕组对机壳和绕组相互间的绝缘电 阻。对于修复后的电动机,测量其绝缘电阻是一项必须完成的基本工作。应按以
(1) 测量一般交流电动机的绝缘电阻时,如果各相绕组的始末端均引 出机壳外,应断开各相之间的连接线,分别测量每相绕组之间的绝 缘电阻,即绕组对地的绝缘电阻;然后测量各相绕组之间的绝缘电 阻,即相间绝缘电阻。如果绕组只有始端或末端引出壳外,则应测 量所有绕组对机壳的绝缘电阻。
(2) 对于绕线式转子电动机,应分别测量定、转子绕组的绝缘电阻。 (3) 对于多速多绕组电动机,应逐个地测量各绕组对机壳的绝缘电阻 和绕阻间的绝缘电阻。
(4) 对于直流电动机,应分别测量电枢回路绕组、串励绕组和并励绕 组对机壳及其相互间的绝缘电阻。
industrial electronics. (3) auto configuration, theory, maintenance, structure and principle of Automotive electrical equipment, maintenance, car electric control system of structure, principle and repair of professional knowledge. (4) the structure and working principle of auto test and diagnostic equipment, control of automobile comprehensive performance evaluation parameters and influencing factors. (5) the master the theory of rational use of the car and running material, business management, basic theoretical knowledge of marketing and after-sales service protection of cables can be up to, while also providing a fire-proof, sealed, rugged space can safely extend cable to the destination. Channel selection algorithm and subsystem level design algorithm. As with vertical bridge, horizontal bridges must also retain a certain amount of space allowances to ensure that future expansion of the system without the need to install a new line. Sixth section 2.6.1 PDS cabling system design, and building design of the comprehensive wiring system according to the requirements, new Dunan valve plant main building, workshop structure, data, voice in the future; in the uniform distribution. Main connection (MDF) located on the production floor of the second floor Center room (network equipment), by telephone calls outside the telephone Office is responsible for introducing the main wiring in the building, switching locations are also located
(5) 通常使用兆欧表来测量绝缘电阻。按照所测电动机绕组的不同额 定电压采用不同等级的兆欧表,如额定电压在500V以下的电动机, 可采用500V兆欧表。
(6) 测量时,应先拆除电动机与电源的连线,将兆欧表上用来接地的 一端与电动机的外壳相接,另一端依次与所测试绕组相接;然后均 匀摇动摇柄(摇速以120转/分为宜),待指针稳定,所读取的兆欧 表数值,即为绕组对地绝缘电阻。绕组各相间的绝缘电阻,可借助 绕组的六个引出线接头来测量。测量时可将兆欧表的两个接头轮流 接到各相绕组的引线接头上,逐次测量各相之间的绝缘电阻。 (7) 电动机的绝缘电阻不应低于下式计算值:
绝缘电阻(兆欧)=电动机额定电压(伏)/[电动机额定功率(千 瓦)/100]+1000 1)绝缘电阻值:
b)额定电压3000V及以上者,交流耐压前,定子绕组在接近运行温度时的绝缘电阻值不应低于UMΩ(取U的千伏数,下同);投运前室温下(包括电缆)不应低于UMΩ nnn
Preventive test code for electric power equipment DL/T 596—1996
中华人民共和国电力行业标准 三、
industrial electronics. (3) auto configuration, theory, maintenance, structure and principle of Automotive electrical equipment, maintenance, car electric control system of structure, principle and repair of professional knowledge. (4) the structure and working principle of auto
test and diagnostic equipment, control of automobile comprehensive performance evaluation parameters and influencing factors. (5) the master the theory of rational use of the car and running material, business management, basic theoretical knowledge of marketing and after-sales service protection of cables can be up to, while also providing a fire-proof, sealed, rugged space can safely extend cable to the destination. Channel selection algorithm and subsystem level design algorithm. As with vertical bridge, horizontal bridges must also retain a certain amount of space allowances to ensure that future expansion of the system without the need to install a new line. Sixth section 2.6.1 PDS cabling system design, and building design of the comprehensive wiring system according to the requirements, new Dunan valve plant main building, workshop structure, data, voice in the future; in the uniform distribution. Main connection (MDF) located on the production floor of the second floor Center room (network equipment), by telephone calls outside the telephone Office is responsible for introducing the main wiring in the building, switching locations are also located